
We’ve got answers!

  • All women from St. Ann and the greater DFW area, 18 years or older, Catholic and non-Catholic, are invited to attend.

  • The Women’s Summit is a weekend inspired the Holy Spirit and designed to captivate the hearts of women with talks, worship, Mass, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Confession, and fellowship.

  • St. Ann Catholic Parish
    180 Samuel Blvd.
    Coppell, TX 75019

  • Friday, April 5th: 7-9 pm
    Saturday, April 6th: 8 am* - 5 pm
    (*optional daily Mass at 8 am)

  • Nope! Just be sure to check in with one of our volunteers in the courtyard or at the registration table to receive your name tag and swag bag.

  • The registration fee covers costs for speakers, worship leaders, meals and snacks, and a swag bag with a Women’s Summit shirt.

  • Yes! Please request information by emailing us at

  • Yes! Please request information by emailing us at

  • Yes! We will be recording the audio of our keynotes to release after the event. Check the website after the event to listen to them.

  • Upon arrival on Friday, you will receive a swag bag to carry your goodies and personal belongings, along with an event program that includes space for taking notes. Snacks and refreshments will also be provided throughout the event, in addition to lunch on Saturday.

    You may consider bringing your own Bible, a journal, a sweater or sweatshirt, a water bottle or cup, and your own snacks.

  • We encourage you to dress comfortably while keeping in mind that we will have Eucharistic Adoration on Friday evening and the opportunity to attend Mass on Saturday morning before activities begin.

  • Childcare will not be provided. However, nursing babies are welcome!

    We understand that this might hinder your ability to attend. If you are in need of support with childcare in order to attend, please email us at

  • We will have a mother’s room available with a fridge and quiet space for moms to use during the event.

  • We do have scholarship available for those who need assistance with the registration fee. However, we strongly encourage attendance to both days. Friday’s and Saturday’s schedules have been carefully constructed to build on one another.